Apple continues its expansion South of US borders, with launch today of its own online Apple retail store in Brazil – and has also opened up the iTunes Store for business in China.

The new store twins with iTunes Stores which are now open in Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and many more Latin American territories. We’re not sure when these opened, (sorry about that – perhaps you, dear reader, can educate us). Further afield, iTunes now hosts stores for a spinning variety of European countries, including those formerly part of the Soviet bloc. Putting paid to reports Apple would be unable to offer the service in the country at the behest of its iPhone carriers, an iTunes Store is now available in China, presently this only offers Apps and iTunes U content. Meanwhile, Twitter is this morning alive with Brazilian users enthusiastically reporting Apple’s online retail store in Brazil is now online. You can access the store right here (you’ll have to click on the ‘Store’ tab)…though it isn’t yet listed in the “Change Country” interface at the bottom left of the online store home page. Apple now operates eight “Stores within a store” complexes in Brazil, which it runs in association with Fnac.