Apple today announced a new recall and replacement program for the third-generation iPad Air, launched in 2019. The company says that a limited number of units manufactured between March 2019 and October 2019 have a problem that causes the display to turn white permanently.
According to Apple, the screen of affected models may flicker a few times unexpectedly before it becomes irreversible. Affected customers can have their display replaced by Apple free of charge.
The company notes that the free replacement program is only available to the third-generation iPad Air models manufactured between March 2019 and October 2019, as no other iPad models are part of this program.
You can contact Apple or take it directly to an Apple Store or authorized repair center to find out if your iPad is eligible for a free replacement. The program covers affected devices for two years after the first retail sale of the unit.
Check out more information about the program with the full announcement here.