Apple announced today that it is expanding the availability of its Apple Music student membership. The company hasn’t yet confirmed a complete list of new markets, but says the discounted membership is coming to 82 new regions this month…
Apple Music’s student membership is today available in an additional 79 markets, while it will further expand to three additional markets later this month on February 26th. New markets include Israel, Malaysia, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal and Taiwan.
For those unfamiliar, Apple Music’s student membership offers eligible students a discounted monthly subscription for Apple Music. While prices vary by country, the discount allows students in the United States to subscribe for $4.99 per month. The discount is available for 48 months (the duration of a four-year degree) and eligibility is verified through UNiDAYS.
Apple hasn’t yet confirmed all of the 82 new countries that will support the Apple Music student membership, but the company touts that the deal is now available in almost all countries where Apple Music is available.
Apple should soon update its feature availability webpage with the full list of countries where the student membership is available. In the meantime, you can try it out in your own country to find out if you’re eligible. Let us know how it goes down in the comments!