Apple has some good news for all of the Apple Music users on Android. The company has just released an update to Apple Music in the Google Play Store that allows users to download songs to an SD card so that they may store even more music for offline listening.

Showcasing one of Android’s greatest strengths in the storage space is definitely an interesting move by Apple. This potentially allows users to hold more music than the current iPhones’ maximum storage size of 128GB. With the prices of microSD cards coming down so quickly, it’s a great opportunity to take more music with you offline.

Today’s update also adds in functionality for viewing the full schedule for Beats 1 shows, and allows users to browse through their music using the Composer and Compilations sorting.

Apple Music is currently available for free as a beta in the Google Play Store and includes a free three-month trial period.


This update adds downloading songs to an SD card, so you can now keep more music offline. You can also:

• See the full schedule of Beats 1 shows, making it easy to tune in to your favorite ones.

• Browse My Music by Composers and Compilations, which help you find music your classical albums or movie soundtracks.