Forbes along with Just Capital are out with a new rankings report today, detailing America’s best corporations to work under. The key factors to high marks here are employee treatment (25% scoring weight) and customer treatment (18% scoring weight). However, a handful of other humane factors are at play here, such as “environment” “products”, “leadership”, and more.

Microsoft took the top spot overall, with Google’s Alphabet coming in third. Apple, however, landed 16th overall and 300th in “workplace communities”.

Forbes provides a brief but thorough explanation as to why this list was put together.

In previous years, Apple landed 34th overall in 2017 and moved up to their current 16th spot position.

With those seven priorities in mind, we ranked 890 of America’s largest publicly-traded companies to determine which are the best corporate actors. The result of this data-crunching: the 2019 Just 100. These are the 100 companies that are taking the public interest into their owns hands and generating better returns for themselves and society in the process.

As to how the company earned their ranking this year, Just Capital thoroughly breaks down the data they compile before reaching the figures they publish.

A screenshot showing Apple with strengths in workers, environment and employment rate

The full data from the report per each company can be throughly combed through here, however, if you’re wondering how Microsoft secured #1 with Apple seemingly so far behind, it’s because Microsoft ranks within the top 5 of “company leadership and shareholders”, “environment”, “jobs”, “customers”, and “workers”.

It’s important to note that these rankings are industry wide, and not merely related to technology companies exclusively. If you do sort by “technology hardware” companies, Apple ranks second overall behind Cisco (Microsoft is classified as a software company here).

Do you think this is a fair assessment of Apple?

