Apple’s vice president for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Pascal Cagni, has taken a seat on the Infogrames board, that’s in addition to his normal duties at Apple. Infogrames chairman Michel Combesof said: “We are convinced that Cagni’s competence, his experience in the consumer technology and internet sectors and his independence will help to strengthen and enrich our board”. Cagni’s response? “I’m delighted to join the exemplary board at Infogrames. Infogrames and Atari especially are world-class brands that should experience the full benefit of a new, strong leadership team.”  Does this mean Apple’s growing cosier with games developers? We know the company has a blooming relationship now with Electronic Arts? Anyone remember the Apple buys Atari rumours of the olden days? Does it need to when Infogrames owns 51.2 per cent of Atari. It also owns 72 per cent of GT Interactive; owns Hasbro Interactive…. So, games the Apple executive and new board member has a say in include: Civilisation, Dungeons And Dragons, Missile Command, and Pong. And many more. Filed in the , “watch this space” collection.