Several years late, Apple is finally dropping support for logging into the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBookstore via an AOL username and password. Apple has emailed users with AOL accounts attached to iTunes to indicate that login support will end on March 31, 2015. Users have until then to convert their AOL login accounts to Apple IDs for iTunes services. Apple recently posted a support document with instructions on converting an AOL login to an Apple ID. Users simply need to login to iTunes with their AOL account and the conversion process will be offered. The conversion does not effect the main AOL account’s usage with AOL’s services. Apple partnered with AOL for iTunes logins in 2003. The full email to users is shown below (thanks, Joseph!):

After March 30, 2015, AOL will no longer support your ability to sign in to the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store. In order to continue using store features, including the ability to access your previously purchased content, you must transition from signing in with your AOL Username to signing in with an Apple ID.

To make this transition, simply sign in once more with your AOL Username to iTunes on your Mac or PC. You will automatically be taken through a few short steps to complete the process.

When the process is complete, your new Apple ID will allow you to continue to purchase and download music, movies, TV shows, apps, books, and more. Additionally, your Apple ID will allow you to access other Apple services, such as iCloud and the Apple Online Store.

This transition does not affect any AOL services you may be using with your AOL Username.

AOL Usernames which have not been transitioned to Apple ID will permanently lose access to the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store after March 30, 2015. Apple will be unable to provide support for AOL Usernames which are not transitioned by this date.