In the middle of March, a slew of lawsuits were filed against Apple claiming the Cupertino, Calif.-based Company misadvertised Siri, which is the company’s intelligent personal assistant software announced on the iPhone 4S in October of last year. The lawsuits said Apple used its commercials to convey a “misleading and deceptive message” about Siri. However, in typical fashion, Apple firmly disagreed.

Apple is working to get the class-action lawsuit dismissed from a California court by claiming customers could return the iPhone within 30 days of purchase if  they are unhappy with Siri. Here is Apple’s motion to dismiss, as found by The Wall Street Journal.

The company also said that while Siri is still in beta, she is still “cutting edge.” What do you think? Is this class-action lawsuit against Apple warranted? One of the plaintiffs in the case said he could not replicate the following commercial:

Okay.. here’s the funny Rock God version just for size: