Apple today debuted a new Arabic version of, bringing the language to its website and online store for the first time alongside a new font right-to-left text.

The new Arabic website can be viewed on Apple’s United Arab Emirates website, although most of Apple’s own links to the UAE site still point to the English version that was live for that market previously.

While Apple hasn’t made an official announcement about the new site, talk on Twitter points to the Tarek Atrissi Design agency as the designer of the new Arabic font being used on

Here’s a closer look at the new font: is getting the Arabic treatment today, but Apple has yet to update its Apple Store app with support. Selecting the United Arab Emirates option in the app still only displays the English version, while Apple displays language options for other countries with multiple languages (like French and English versions for Canada).

Last year Apple launched comprehensive support for right-to-left languages in iOS 9, allowing app developers to easily implement support for Arabic and other right-to-left languages in their user interfaces. It followed up by adding Arabic support to Siri late last year, which came just after a notable expansion of its physical retail presence in the United Arab Emirates market.