Two years ago Apple unveiled ambitious plans to invest several billion dollars in advanced manufacturing jobs in the United States, starting with a $200 million investment in Corning in Kentucky. Now Apple is cranking its investment in the precision glass maker way up through its Advanced Manufacturing Fund.

A new $250 million award brings Apple’s Corning investment to $450 million to date, an investment Apple says focuses on “research and development into state-of-the-art glass processes, equipment and materials integral to the delivery of next-generation consumer devices.”

Corning supplies Apple with glass for iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watches, from the original iPhone to the new iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro.

Apple’s updated Corning investment covers nearly half of its initial Advanced Manufacturing Fund budget to invest in American jobs. Apple later increased its investment budget to $5 billion. The company also notes how it impacted American jobs across the country through its suppliers last year:

  • $60 billion spent with 9,000 American suppliers
  • 450,000 jobs supported across 50 states
  • American manufacturing locations in 36 states

Apple says every core product in its lineup including Mac and Apple TV all rely on parts or materials or manufacturing machinery from the United States.

Today’s announcement includes even more numbers from its Advanced Manufacturing Fund effort:

  • Over $1 billion invested in American companies through the fund so far
  • 20% of the $5 billion fund has been spent
  • $390 million previously allocated to Finisar
  • $10 million allocated to Elysis
  • Nearly 1,000 Corning jobs created by Apple business
  • Nearly $3 billion spent with Corning since iPhone launched in 2007

Finally, Apple summarizes its full American job impact:

Apple shared recently that it spent $60 billion with US suppliers last year alone, putting it on track to reach its $350 billion goal of contributing to the US economy by 2023.