Apple has confirmed it will hold its FY 11 Q1 financial results conference on January 18, making the session available for playback online in QuickTime format. The event takes place Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 2:00 p.m. PST/5:00 p.m. EST/10:00 p.m. GMT. Apple’s  live audio streaming of the event will be available for replay here for approximately two weeks.

Apple is expected to confirm impressive Mac sales in the quarter, following publication of Gartner and IDC figures yesterday which confirmed Apple grew market share and unit sales in a period in which the iPad effect served to slow sales of systems from other vendors.

iPad sales are expected to impress with that product becoming this Holiday season’s most-demanded gift. iPhone sales numbers could surprise, but recent moves to propel sales with the debut of the device on Verizon should boost units moved in the current quarter. iPod sales will likely decline slightly, buoyed by the iPod touch.

Sales via the Mac App Store are unlikely to be revealed as a standard part of the conference as these take place outside the reporting period, though company execs may drop a few tidbits on these during the post announcement Q&A.