As shutdowns caused by COVID-19 remain in place, Apple has committed to paying its contractors. The Wall Street Journal reports that initially, some contractors were told their jobs would be suspended without pay during the shutdown, but Apple has clarified that position.

As the report explains, Apple employs “hundreds of contractors who work as janitors, bus drivers and perform other functions on its campus.” According to janitors and union representatives, Apple told employees that they would “lose wages and health-care benefits” during the shutdown.

Apple, however, says that’s not the case. The report cites a statement from Apple spokeswoman Kristin Huguet, who explained that Apple is working with all suppliers to ensure that hourly workers are still paid during COVID-19 shutdowns. The unionized janitors make around $18 per hour plus $10 in benefits, the report says.

Huguet added that she did not know why some contractors were told they wouldn’t be paid during COVID-19 shutdowns, but janitors say that they were called to an Apple office over the weekend to be told that the jobs were being eliminated.

Apple will also continue to pay bus drivers as well, despite similar confusion surrounding the situation:

Nonetheless, Apple will continue to pay bus drivers, and apparently committed to doing so in mid-March:

Apple employees around the world have been working from home since earlier this month amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Apple Stores are also closed until further notice, with hourly workers still receiving their normal pay. Apple has also switched WWDC to an online-only format for 2020.