Apple is currently involved in an outreach program to new neighbors in its planned “Campus 2” area. A brochure was mailed this week to residents surrounding the new campus that provided information and invited feedback in a variety of ways. Although the project seems to be a big win for the city of Cupertino, some residents voiced concern about the added traffic and other changes to the area.

We obtained a letter from one of Apple’s new neighbors—here are the takeaways:

Neighbors can fill out the postage paid response card or go to the website with comments, questions, or concerns.

  • Campus 2, as it is currently called, will not replace the 1 Infinite Loop campus. Instead, it will provide “research facility” office space for an additional 13,000 employees, which is more than 3,000 than 1 Infinite Loop. There is also 300,000 feet of expansion space for future growth.
  • Campus 2 will attain LEED certification and will have no manufacturing or heavy industrial activity onsite. Apple has and will continue to take extra steps to reduce auto use by employees. Moreover, the roof of the main building is a huge solar array.
  • Campus 2 will not open to the public, so there is no museum or corporate store. :(
  • The “world class” auditorium located at the very southern tip of the new campus will host product launches and corporate events.
  • The corporate fitness center/recreation center will be located to the north west of the main circular building in a separate structure.
  • Infinite Loop will remain the official corporate HQ, so top executives will likely stay behind.
  • Apple intends to break ground as soon as Cupertino approves the changes (scheduled for later this year), with plans to start occupying the space in 2015.

Apple’s late CEO Steve Jobs originally presented the idea of the campus in June (video below) during his last public appearance that  occurred a day after the 2011 WWDC.


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