As the US Presidential campaign for Hillary Clinton continues to reel from daily deluge of emails released from Campaign Chairman John Podesta via Wikileaks, we’re finding a number of topics related to Apple and specifically its CEO Tim Cook.

Today’s installment is probably worth noting. It has Cook listed as a possible VP candidate pick by Podesta along with many other political, business and tech luminaries seen below.

The list is a ‘first cut’ and it is unclear at this point how far through the process Cook made it, or more importantly if he’d even want the job, for that matter. Cook fundraised for Hillary Clinton last month but is also working with Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. 

In other Podesta emails, Clinton campaign questioned Cook’s political acumen and also waded into the FBI Encryption debate.

Ultimately, Clinton tapped Virginia US Senator Tim Kaine for the job, a vanilla pick if you will, but don’t rule out Cook for any future roles in the White House just yet. Back in July, the New York Times reported that if elected, Clinton could recruit the Apple CEO to serve as the first openly gay cabinet secretary (without specifying which specific role).

Emails are boring

— Seth Weintraub (@llsethj) October 12, 2016

Mildly interesting: Hillary campaign calls Tim Cook a Newb at politics

— Seth Weintraub (@llsethj) October 13, 2016 To: Date: 2016-03-17 17:21 Subject:

Ok, I can breathe again! Congrats on a fabulous night. I am feeling like it’s possible to get back to the longer term again. Cheryl and I met with Jim Hamilton on Friday to discuss lawyers who can help do the research and vetting that I outlined in the VP vet memo we discussed. We also met with Marc Elias to get his input on firms that have already provided substantial volunteer lawyer assistance and to get prepared to execute non-disclosure agreements with anyone we involve in the process.

We put together the attached notional teams of “report writers” (confidential profiles/public record vet) and “vettors” (deep-dive/oppo-book), and want to run it by you before we execute on the list. Let me know if there are people you would like to see added or removed before we begin the process.

Cheryl, Robby, Jake, Huma, Jennifer and I also did a first cut of people to consider for VP. I have organized names in rough food groups.

Javier Becerra Julian Castro Eric Garcetti Tom Perez Ken Salazar

Tammy Baldwin Kirsten Gillibrand Amy Klobuchar Claire McKaskill Jeanne Shaheen Debbie Stabenow Elizabeth Warren

Michael Bennet Sherrod Brown Martin Heinreich Tim Kaine Terry McAuliffe Chris Murphy Tom Vilsack

Steve Benjamin Corey Booker Andrew Gillum Eric Holder Deval Patrick Kasim Reed Anthony Foxx

John Allen Bill McCraven Mike Mullen

Mary Barra Michael Bloomberg Ursula Burns Tim Cook Bill Gates Melinda Gates Muhtar Kent Judith Rodin Howard Schultz

Bernie Sanders