The Washington Post this weekend published a very in-depth video/interview with Apple CEO Tim Cook just weeks before Apple is set to unveil its biggest product of the year by far, the iPhone 7. In it, Cook talks about the incredibly important people outside of Apple he turns to for advice at pivotal moments, including Warren Buffett on returning cash to stockholders, Anderson Cooper on coming out, and folks like Bill Clinton and Laurene Powell Jobs on testifying before congress.

He also touches on the future of Apple, such as its Artificial Intelligence and and Augmented/Virtual Reality ambitions…

But first, Cook noted some mistakes. He again acknowledged the disaster that was Apple Maps. On his first big hire John Browett, who ran the Apple Store for a short amount of time:

Although the iPhone growth has stalled, Apple’s services business is huge:

What has changed at Apple? Bigger!

On slowing iPhones:

This is interesting thinking. I wonder what Apple is doing to address the other 6B people who don’t yet own a smartphone.

On replacing Steve Jobs:

On coming out:

On testifying before congress in 2013:

Tim Cook deflected questions about upcoming products like Apple Car but interestingly he yet again mentioned AR:

The whole interview is certainly worth a read if you want to know where Apple is ahead of its September iPhone launch event.