Apple is facing some competition as it looks to secure luxury office space in Manhattan. According to a new report from the New York Post, Apple is sparring with Facebook over the office space, but Facebook reportedly holds the edge.

The report explains that Facebook has been in talks to take over 740,000 square feet of office space that is being built in the former James A. Farley Post Office in Midtown Manhattan. Apple, however, reportedly toured the space earlier this year and is now going head-to-head with Facebook.

Much like Facebook, Apple wants all four floors of office space, as well as a new floor being built on the roof:

Vornado Realty Trust is a firm chaired by Steve Roth. It just so happens that Roth is also Facebook’s landlord at a separate location in New York City, which is giving the social networking company a leg up on Apple during negotiations.

Here’s how the New York Post describes the space:

The report says that Roth is “leaning toward” leasing the space to Facebook because of his positive history working with the company.

Photo credit: 6sqft