As the company does every year, Apple today announced new App Store records for the holiday season. Apple says it has been another “record-breaking year.” Apple revamped the App Store with iOS 11. It brought a visual refresh and a new Today view with curated content.

Between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, customers spent $1.22 billion on apps and games through the iOS App Store. For New Year’s Day 2019, users spent a whopping $322 million. This up from $300 million from last year’s New Year’s Day.

Apple SVP of Worldwide Marketing says, “The App Store had a record-breaking holiday week and New Year’s Day. The holiday week was our biggest week ever with more than $1.22 billion spent on apps and games, and New Year’s Day set a new single-day record at more than $322 million.”

The company is also seeing an uptick in Services revenue, setting an all new record there, too.

In terms of popular categories, gaming and self-care ranked at the top, with apps such as Fortnite and PUBG being the most downloaded games over the holidays.