Season four of Apex Legends will reveal a brand new character named Forge. Every season of Apex Legends lasts approximately three months and brings with it brand new features and characters. There have been some pretty big shakeups with every new season like season three’s brand new map World’s Edge. Season three launched last October and fans have been waiting to see what season four would bring next.

New characters have been released over the course of Apex Legends’ run. During the season two update players were introduced to Wattson. With Wattson players are able to use her electric fences to slow enemies, and her ultimate repairs shields and destroys enemy ordinance. Season three on the other hand saw the addition of Crypto. Crypto uses drones to track enemy movements, and also has a powerful EMP that can disable enemy shields and destroy traps.

Respawn Entertainment announced that the new character Forge would be coming to the game for season four. This addition was previously revealed by leakers, but this is the first time there has been actual confirmation. Forge is a muscled up brawler who, in fiction, is completely new to the Apex tournament, but is a five-time Hyper Fighting Federation champion. Forge has apparently grown bored of the Fighting Federation and decided to win Apex as well. Currently very little is known about how Forge will play in-game, but Respawn has teased that he has a “mean left hook”.

With every new season Apex Legends also has several other updates as well. During the first season adjustments were made to the hit-boxes and the abilities of each Legend. During season two there were heavy readjustments made as the map was redesigned and giant monsters called leviathans were added to the game. Season two rendered parts of the map almost completely unrecognizable because of these changes. Season three was by far the biggest change with the new map, a brand new weapon called the Charge Rifle, and even adjustments to the ranked mode and weapon attachements.

Apex Legends, like most battle royale games, is almost constantly changing and improving. This keeps the game feeling fresh so that players will continue to play. Apex Legends always changes dramatically between each season as new Legends completely shake up the game’s meta, and players must adapt to new abilities. Sadly Respawn is being very secretive about details of Forge’s combat prowess right now. Just by looking at him though he seems like he’ll fit in just fine with the other Legends.

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Apex Legends can be played on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One now.

Source: Respawn Entertainment