AP had announced the Mobile News Network at its annual meeting April 14 in Washington. AP’s president and chief executive, Tom Curley, said then that six newspaper companies were working to help develop the new service. Paul Caluori, director of client content services for AP, said the service now has 107 newspapers participating, up from 18 at the time of the announcement. The papers include The Miami Herald, the San Francisco Chronicle and the St. Paul (Minn.) Pioneer Press. Companies that help connect advertisers with networks of Web sites will be among the sellers of ads for the new service and will share revenues with the news providers.The service will deliver local news from participating member newspapers and national and international news from AP. The reports will be organized by ZIP code. Google Inc., Yahoo Inc. and others also offer news services tailored for mobile devices, but Jeffrey Litvack, global product development director for AP, said the Mobile News Network would offer easier access to local news stories. Apple offered guidance on how to best tailor the service to the iPhone but has no formal role with the product, Litvack said. Go there on your iPhone now: http://www.apnews.com/