Anthem’s main story missions don’t do much to reinvent the wheel, but there are still some exciting, entertaining endeavors, such as Anthem’s Tombs of the Legionnaires quest. BioWare does a good job of creating a sense that something is at stake relatively early on in the narrative, and each missions feels like it is building toward a greater moment while still feeling like a worthwhile investment of time on their own.

Well, most of them, anyway. Early on in Anthem, just as the story begins to get good, players will have a curveball tossed their way. Rather than tackle a specific mission, our aspiring Freelancers are instead given a collection of achievement-based quests under the main quest name of Tombs of the Legionnaires. Some of what’s required is relatively easy, but other tasks require a deliberate approach. The end result is, without a doubt, one of the most frustrating experiences the game has in its first hours of Anthem. Invested and ready to enjoy the perks of being at or around level 10, players are instead given a laundry list of menial tasks and told they can’t enjoy any of the story until they put a checkmark beside every item.

Luckily, we’ve gone through that already, and we’ve compiled a guide to the locations of each four tombs alongside what they require for entry. We’ve also provided some helpful suggestions on how to get each part of those requirements done in the fastest, safest way possible. If you want to make Tombs of the Legionnaires as painless as possible, read on.

  • This Page: Anthem’s Tombs of the Legionnaires Quest: Tomb of Cariff & Tomb of Gawnes Page 2: Anthem’s Tombs of the Legionnaires Quest: Tomb of Yvenia & Tomb of Artinia

Tomb of Cariff

The Tomb of Cariff in Anthem’s Tombs of the Legionnaires quest is located at the northern-most point of the Emerald Abyss section of the Anthem freeplay map. It’s hard to miss, given its location, but if you follow the river north and then veer off to the east just before it ends, you’ll basically be right in front of the tomb. Anthem’s Tomb of Cariff has four requirements for entry:

  • Missions: 0/3 Gear Defeats: 0/30 Combo Triggers: 0/15 Multi-Kills: 0/3

Obviously, for the first requirement, just completing three missions will do. For Gear Defeats, use some of your specialized gear to get the final shot on enemies. Using Anthem’s Colossus for its Flamethrower is particularly effective for this one, although every class has a few that work. Combo Triggers can be achieved through using an elemental attack - ice, fire, poison, or electricity - and then following up with melee. These three requirements shouldn’t take players too long, although they can be obtuse for those who are playing through on their own, since Combo Triggers can be a bit harder to achieve with just one player.

For multi-kills, however, players have already reported having trouble getting the counter to tick up. We found it most effective to use explosives, but even then, if an damage-over-time ability or environmental damage not directly caused by the blast ends up killing an enemy, it can cause the multi-kill not to register. Abilities like the poison mist of the Interceptor or the grenade launcher of the Colossus can help a lot here, and the Storm class is particularly great at achieving things like Combo Triggers and multi-kills, so if you’re having trouble, trying inviting one along. The Ranger’s Ultimate is, of course, good at triggering multi-kills as well.

Tomb of Gawnes

The Tomb of Gawnes in Anthem’s Tombs of the Legionnaires quest is located just above the “F” and the “O” in Fortress of Dawn on the world map. It’s tucked just north of The Dungeon on the same map, but if players don’t have that point of reference, they can once again follow the river north as it flows into the part of the map we just discussed. It funnels almost right into the entrance to the Tomb of Gawnes. Once there, the tomb will inform players that they need to accomplish three things to gain entry:

  • Melee Defeats: 0/50 Ultimate Defeats: 0/50 Legendary Defeats: 0/3

The Tomb of Gawnes is all about combat, which makes it pretty well the easiest one of the lot. Given that players should have access to two Javelins by the time they start this questline, they’ll have a few options for how to go about it. Melee defeats are easiest with the Interceptor and it’s incredibly quick kill rate or the Colossus, which has an AoE melee attack that can wipe out multiple trash mobs in one strike.

Ultimate defeats are pretty easy for virtually every class, since they all affect large swaths of area. Of all of them, the Interceptor is probably the hardest to achieve this with, since it still requires melee - but even then, ambitious use of Ultimates during questing will rack that number up quickly. For Legendary defeats, players simply need to kill three different Legendary enemies. These enemies tend to spawn during World Events, so keep an eye out for them there or during other missions as rare spawns.

Page 2 of 2: Anthem’s Tombs of the Legionnaires Quest: Tomb of Yvenia & Tomb of Artinia

Tomb of Yvenia

The Tomb of Yvenia in Anthem’s Tombs of the Legionnaires quest is probably the hardest tomb to find, since its marker on the map tends to lead people in the wrong direction. Start at the spawn point for freeplay missions on Anthem’s Fort Tarsis, then proceed along the left side of the wall. Follow the wall until you see a river that splits into two directions beneath you. Jump down and follow the part of the river that forks left, and you’ll walk directly into the Tomb of Yvenia. Once there, this element of Anthem’s Tombs of the Legionnaires will ask you for four different requirements:

  • Treasure Chests: 0/15 Harvests: 0/25 Javelins Repaired: 0/3 Collectibles: 0/10

The Tomb of Yvenia is kind of the odds and ends tomb of this questline, asking players to engage in the non-combat elements of Anthem to succeed. Harvests and collectibles are self explanatory and while exploring to complete the rest of this quest, they should be completed without much trouble. Javelins repaired can be annoying, but letting a friend come close to the brink of death and saving them multiple times works, as does finding Sentinel skirmish world events. Repairing NPC Javelins still counts.

Treasure chests are by far the hardest part of this Anthem quest simply because it requires a bit of grinding. While it might be tempting to try to complete a bunch of world events for this, keep in mind that you have to be the player to open the chest. Someone else in your party opening it won’t count for you, and that means the more people you’re playing with, the higher the number of chests required. For that reason, it’s best to tackle this one solo. There are chests hidden everywhere on the freeplay map, with a particularly high concentration in the Great Falls Canyon area. Start your search there and you should be able to save precious minutes in completing this part of the quest chain.

Tomb of Artinia

The Tomb of Artinia in Anthem’s Tombs of the Legionnaires quest is located in a gulf to the northwest of Fort Tarsis. It’s actually pretty easy to find, as there are multiple different ways to get to it. Once there, the tomb will ask you to achieve four things before progressing:

  • World Events: 0/5 Weapon Defeats: 0/30 Weak Point Defeats: 0/15 Elite Defeats: 0/9

Most of these requirements simply take time. Weapon defeats should happen within ten or so minutes of accessing the tomb for the first time, since the map is densely populated with enemies and guns are the primary way of killing things in Anthem. Weak point defeats are also pretty easy - just shoot at different points on an enemy’s body, identify which ones yield yellow, critical damage, and then focus on those. If the last blow is dealt to their weak point, it’s a weak point defeat.

World events and elite defeats go hand-in-hand, since the former spawns a higher amount of the latter. Chipping away at world events - we recommend the East Gate region, which seems to be a smaller area with more condensed world events occurring - should naturally yield the amount of elite defeats needed to progress.

General Advice

The Tombs of the Legionnaires quest in Anthem might not seem like much when broken down into each individual tomb, but as a whole, the design leaves a lot to be desired. Beyond the explanation of what’s needed and how players can best achieve it, though, we have a few general tips and tricks for completing this Anthem as well:

  • Don’t be afraid to switch Javelins mid-quest. It may seem frustrating, but some are better suited to these tasks than others, and you’ll save a lot of time in the long run acknowledging that immediately. Be wary of how you complete this with squadmates. The tracking for these quests does not count for everyone within a squad. As a result, two people tackling this content will need to open 30 treasure chests rather than 15 for one. It adds a lot of time, and breaking off to do some of the more difficult ones might make sense. World events are your friend. Between the amount of elite and legendary enemies that spawn during them, the potential for multi-kills, and the reward of a treasure chest upon completion, world events are excellent ways of progressing a slew of objectives all at once.

Above all else, though, remember that Anthem’s Tombs of the Legionnaires is frustrating for everyone, not just you. Careful planning, the use of this guide, and having a very understanding group of friends are all a recipe for success with this quest, and once it’s done, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief and get on with Anthem’s much more interesting bits.

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