A survey taken of Anthem players paints a rather dire and disappointing picture for the BioWare MMORPG. At first, the game seemed promising. When BioWare released the first gameplay footage of Anthem in 2017, many players felt it had a bright future.

However, just before the release of the title, things started to go awry. Even before its release, players were left scratching their heads at an awkward and confusing release schedule. Then, after Anthem’s release in February, things got worse. Not only did the title have a lot of bugs and glitches, but players began reporting that it was forcing PS4 consoles to shut down when they tried to play it. Critics were also not impressed: Anthem became the worst-reviewed game in BioWare’s history.

Anthem player SyntaxTheGr8 recently posted a survey for Anthem players that shows just how horrible the game has been for them. Nearly 50 percent of players reported experiencing many bugs while trying to play the game, with everyone else reporting at least dealing with some issues. Over half of Anthem players also admitted to having already quit the game with many voting that they may leave it soon. When asked about the future of the game, 35.6 percent reported that they didn’t think it looked good, with another 33.1 percent saying that the game’s future looked concerning.

These answers show a disturbing trend for a title that seems to continue to frustrate players. Former BioWare General Manager Aaryn Flynn has gone on record as saying that it was tough to watch the game’s release, even hinting that the issue could have been with EA trying to rush the game out, something the publisher is known for. After an article surfaced on Kotaku, BioWare’s reputation suffered even more after players began to read about how the company treated employees during the time the game was in development, although the article noted that the studio was working to improve conditions for its developers.

The failure of Anthem follows a similar trajectory as Mass Effect: Andromeda, and these back-to-back failures should concern fans: EA has been known to shut down studios for less. Although it was previously noted that Anthem’s success or failure would not affect the future of the studio, those players waiting for Dragon Age 4, which BioWare announced last year, are nervous, and rightfully so. EA and BioWare have serious issues with development that need addressing, and until they’ve been solved, they will continue to affect game quality in the interim.

More: Anthem’s Sales Figures Could Mean More Publishers Stop Early Copies

Source: SyntaxTheGr8